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Facebook’s group voice calling

“What’s your Facebook name?” is not a question you’re often asked when someone needs your contact details. In the first place, Facebook messaging isn’t everyone’s voice call app of choice, especially for group conversations. As of now, Skype rules that arena, especially for business communications. However, once the social media giant has put the finishing […]

The state of web services in 2017

It’s a new year, and it’s time to start thinking about what information technology will look like in 2017. That could mean anything from forecasting the costs of adopting new technology to upgrading your products to better integrate with new trends. Whatever it may be, we’re putting down our predictions for how to get the […]

New Office 365 updates for collaboration

Every now and then we all need a little help, especially in today’s digital era. To keep up with the competition, companies are gearing up, especially in the IT department. With the help of cloud computing technology, Office 365 is a productivity and collaboration-enhancing software that is changing the way small- and medium-sized businesses operate. […]

Ransomware demands more victims for freedom

Popcorn Time is taking ransomware to a new level of devilish trickery by asking victims to give up two of their friends for a chance to rid their own computers of the virus. In cyber security this level of diabolical blackmail represents a new and scary trend for hackers. For more information on how Popcorn […]

HTML5 trumps Flash in Google Chrome

Google Chrome is following through with a game plan it announced in February of last year. In an effort to punish slow-loading or lagging sites that use Flash, a web component known to take up resources and memory, Google’s browser will make a newer, faster player the default. Read on to find out how Google […]

AWS to launch “Glue” service

Many businesses and enterprises have long struggled with the drudgery and difficulty that is data analysis — especially data analysis in a cloud-based system. AWS (Amazon Web Services) may have just the solution to that problem. A new app, known as “Glue,” offers the opportunity for businesses to clean up data to help analytics run […]

Choosing storage: OneDrive vs SharePoint

Digital Storage options with Office 365 provide business owners with convenient and efficient data management. But with new software added daily, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the variety of options. Keep reading to find out which Office 365 program will be your best option for organizing and sharing information: SharePoint or OneDrive. Similarities […]

Predicting cyber-threats in 2017

As 2017 rolls in, the threat of more formidable cyber attacks looms large. Hackers and the cyber police will spend a lot of time outsmarting each other, while consumers of technology, individuals and businesses alike, anticipate the best security plan that can guarantee they sleep soundly at night. When it comes to defending against cyber-attacks, […]

5 tips to turn Instagram followers into buyers

Did you know that your thousands of Instagram followers are a goldmine for potential sales? Yes, they are, but you can’t make the most of this goldmine by simply switching your posts’ filters from Clarendon to Valencia on a regular basis. Turning your Instagram followers into customers requires more than just a finely curated set […]