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New Locky ransomware: what you need to know

In 2016, the Locky ransomware infected millions of users with a Microsoft Word file. It was eventually contained, and cyber security firms have since created protections to detect and block previous Locky variants. However, a similar malware is currently spreading worldwide and has so far infected tens of thousands of computers. Quick facts According to […]

How Amazon AppStream 2.0 can help businesses

Today’s workforce is no longer confined to office walls. People work from home, while they’re commuting to and from work, and even on vacation. This is made possible thanks to remote access solutions, and Amazon’s powerful web features. Here’s what you need to know about this powerful application streaming service. What is it? Initially released […]

Surf the net with Microsoft Edge

People prefer one web browser over another for all kinds of reasons, including ease of use, applications, security and of course, performance. If you’ve recently downloaded Windows 10, there’s a new browser on the block: Microsoft Edge. Here are some nifty features you may find useful. Import favorites You can easily import the list of […]

What to do with your dinosaur PC?

When smartphones first outsold PCs in 2010, people no longer have to put up with slow and bulky computers to do business. This comes as no surprise why many stashed their aged PCs away. But there are ways to breathe new life into your ancient laptop and computer, so if you haven’t trashed them, it’s […]

Office 365 gets a slew of new upgrades

There’s a good reason why businesses like Office 365: It’s a feature-rich productivity suite that gets plenty of upgrades throughout the year. Last month, Microsoft announced four new upgrades that will make the cloud platform even more irresistible for small- and medium-sized businesses. Microsoft Connections Email marketing campaigns are a great way to build relationships […]

Black and white: Not all hackers are bad

When a cyber security researcher stopped the spread of WannaCry, the headlines praised him as a savior. But just a few short months later he was in handcuffs for allegedly creating a piece of malware that steals banking information. Even if he is innocent, it’s important to understand the difference between white hat, black hat […]

CRM tips and tricks for beginners

Customer relationship management (CRM) software is essential for every marketing, sales, and customer service department. It allows you to capture your customers’ information and keep a record of their interactions with your business. If you’re new to the concept of CRM, here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of […]

Google cloud just got much faster

The Google Cloud Platform can do virtually any business computing task you need it to. From pre-written machine learning modules to high-end data analysis, it’s limited only by the internet connection you use to access it. But now, even that is being improved upon. What is Google Cloud Platform? Similar to Amazon Web Services or […]

Tips for keeping your mobile devices safe

Businesses are using mobile devices more than ever to increase productivity and profitability. However, like desktops and laptops, smartphones and tablets are highly vulnerable to hacking, and some employees expose them to threats in ways they may not even be aware of. To protect your company from these threats, follow these tips on keeping mobile […]

How to create engaging content

With 4.75 billion pieces of content shared on Facebook and 500 million tweets shared every day, harnessing crucial social media data is becoming an increasingly monumental task. Businesses need to leverage social media in order to deliver relevant and personalized content to customers. You can make it happen by taking these four steps: Identify what’s […]